eQSL by Marconi Radio International listened on 6190 kHz USB the 25/10/2020.
Report sent to [email protected], eQSL in 91 days.
Please be advised that Marconi Radio International will once again be on air tomorrow, Saturday, 31 October 2020, as follows: 07.00-08.00 UTC on 11390 kHz and 16.00-17.00 UTC on 7720 kHz (USB Mode).
To celebrate Halloween, we’ll air a special show, with a number of rock songs, from punk to power metal, with the word “Halloween” in their title.
MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts are welcome! We QSL 100%. Our electronic mail address is: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com –
Please don’t forget to include your postal address as some lucky listeners will also receive a printed QSL card.
Last but not least, we need your help! If you are a DX blogger, or use social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet the day before the broadcast. You can also forward this message to a friend. This should help increase our potential audience.
We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.
Best 73’s
Marconi Radio International (MRI)
Marconi Radio International (MRI) on the air today Sunday, 18 October 2020 as follows:
22.00-2300 UTC on 6170 kHz (USB mode).
Reception reports to this E-mail address: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com
Last but not least, we need your help! If you are a DX blogger, or use social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet. You can also forward this message to a friend.
Marconi Radio International (MRI).
Marconi Radio International has planned two special broadcasts, from 1630 to 1930 UTC, as follows: on 7 April 2018 on 7720 kHz (100 Watts, USB Mode) and on 9 April 2018 on 6970 kHz (1000 watts, USB mode). The aim of those broadcasts is to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the New Zealand DX League with the hope that at least one of the frequencies will propagate to New Zealand. Reception reports to: marconiradiointernational (at)gmail.com
Marconi Radio International ha previsto per il mese di aprile due trasmissioni speciali che andranno in onda dalle 1630 alle 1930 UTC come segue: il 7 aprile 2018 su 7720 kHz (100 Watts, USB) e il 9 Aprile 2018 su 6970 kHz (1000 Watts, USB).
Lo scopo di queste trasmissioni è di celebrare il 70 anniversario della Lega DX Neozelandese (New Zealand DX League). La speranza è che la propagazione consenta ad almeno una delle due frequenze di raggiungere la Nuova Zelanda. L’indirizzo e-mail per i rapporti di ricezione è: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com
Marconi Radio International went for the first time on air on 4th January 1986 and to celebrate this event has planned a special 32nd anniversary broadcast, which consists of some vintage shows.
We’ll be on the air today, 4 January 2018 as follows: 13.00 to 15.00 UTC and 16.00 to 18.00 UTC on 7720 kHz (USB Mode).
This special broadcast offers the opportunity to receive our QSL card. All you have to do is to send a correct reception report with attached an audio file of our broadcast.
Only today, our printed QSL card will be sent to anyone except for those who have already received one. Be advised that reports about the reception of MRI via websdr receivers, or not accompanied by an audio file, will instead be verified only with e-QSL.
Our e-mail address is: [email protected] and please don’t forget to include your postal address!
Marconi Radio International
Please be advised that MRI will be back on the air tomorrow, Tuesday, 31 October 2017, with the following test transmissions: 12.45-14.45 UTC on 11390 kHz AM, from 1500 to 1700 and from 1730 to 1930 on 5760 kHz (USB mode).
Reception reports to this E-mail: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com
Last but not least, we need your help! If you are a DX blogger, or use social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet the day before the broadcast. You can also forward this message to a friend.
We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.
Best 73’s
Marconi Radio International (MRI)
Marconi Radio International (MRI) sarà di nuovo in onda domani, martedì 31 Ottobre 2017, con le seguenti trasmissioni di prova: dalle 12.45 alle 14.45 UTC su 11390 kHz AM, dalle 1500 alle 1700 e dalle 1730 alle 1930 su 5760 kHz USB).
Per i vostri rapporti di ricezione scrivete a: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com
Come al solito Vi preghiamo, qualora abbiate un vostro blog dedicato al radioascolto od un profilo su Facebook o altro social network, di pubblicare un annuncio sulle nostre trasmissioni. In alternativa potreste inoltrare il presente messaggio ad un amico.
Cordiali saluti
Marconi Radio International (MRI)
Greetings from Italy!
Please be advised that after many weeks of absence due to a transmitter fault, MRI will be back on the air tomorrow, Sunday, 9 July 2017, with its original, very old and just refurbished transmitter as follows: 08.30-11.30 UTC on 11390 kHz AM with only 25 watts.
Reception reports with audio clips (mp3-file) are welcome and confirmed by QSL verification. Some lucky listeners will ALSO receive our printed QSL card, so don’t forget to include your postal address. E-mail: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com
Last but not least, we need your help! If you are a DX blogger, or use social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet the day before the broadcast. You can also forward this message to a friend. This should help increase our potential audience.
We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.
Best 73’s
Marconi Radio International (MRI)
Dopo diverse settimane di assenza a causa di un guasto al trasmettitore, Marconi Radio International (MRI) sarà di nuovo in onda domani, domenica 9 Luglio 2017, dalle 08.30 alle 11.30 UTC su 11390 kHz AM. Per l’occasione useremo il nostro vecchio trasmettitore, di recente revisionato, che eroga una potenza di soli 25 watts.
Per i vostri rapporti di ricezione scrivete a: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com La QSL elettronica è garantita a tutti, mentre la cartolina stampata solo ad alcuni fortunati ascoltatori. Non dimenticate quindi di includere anche il vostro indirizzo postale.
Come al solito Vi preghiamo, qualora abbiate un vostro blog dedicato al radioascolto od un profilo su Facebook o altro social network, di pubblicare un annuncio sulle nostre trasmissioni. In alternativa potreste inoltrare il presente messaggio ad un amico.
Cordiali saluti
Marconi Radio International (MRI)
Please be advised that Marconi Radio International will be on the air on Tuesday, 16 May 2017, from 1700 to 2000 UTC on 7700 kHz (alternative 7690 kHz) USB Mode.
Reception reports with audio clips (mp3-file) are welcome and confirmed by QSL verification. Some lucky listeners will ALSO receive our printed QSL card, so don’t forget to include your postal address. E-mail: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com
Best 73’s
Marconi Radio International (MRI)
PS: In the A-17 period, until 29 October 2017, MRI is on the air as follows: On Tuesdays, from 17.00 to 20.00 UTC on 7700 kHz (Alternative 7690) USB Mode, with a power of 100 watts. Please be advised that our schedule is liable to change and additional broadcasts can be aired occassionaly. As usual, when this occurs, a circular message is being sent to all listeners in our mailing list as well as shortwave community.
Marconi Radio International (MRI) sarà di nuovo in onda domani Martedì 16 maggio 2017, dalle 1700 alle 2000 UTC, su 7700 kHz (In alternativa 7690 kHz) USB.
Per i vostri rapporti di ricezione scrivete a: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com La QSL elettronica è garantita a tutti, mentre la cartolina stampata solo ad alcuni fortunati ascoltatori. Non dimenticate quindi di includere anche il vostro indirizzo postale.
Cordiali saluti
Marconi Radio International (MRI)
PS: MRI nel corso del periodo A-17 ovvero fino al 29 ottobre 2017 sarà in onda regolarmente il martedì, dalle 1700 alle 2000 UTC su 7700 kHz (In alternativa 7690 kHz) USB. E’ probabile che ulteriori trasmissioni vengano effettuate anche in altri giorni ed orari. Come è nostra abitudine, quando questo si verificherà, non mancheremo di avvisare i nostri ascoltatori e i vari appassionati dell’ascolto delle onde corte con un apposito messaggio di posta elettronica.
eQSL received by Marconi Radio International transmission of the 12/02/2017 on 7700 kHz USB
Report sent to [email protected], pdf/eQSL in 73 days.
Please be advised that Marconi Radio International will be on the air today Tuesday, 11 April, from 1315 to 1515 and from 1615 to 1815 on 7700 kHz (alternative 7690 kHz) USB Mode.
Reception reports with audio clips (mp3-file) are welcome and confirmed by QSL verification. Some lucky listeners will ALSO receive our printed QSL card, so don’t forget to include your postal address. E-mail: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com
Last but not least, we need your help! If you are a DX blogger, or use social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet. You can also forward this message to a friend.
This should help increase our potential audience.
We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.
Best 73’s
Marconi Radio International (MRI)
Marconi Radio International (MRI) sarà di nuovo in onda oggi martedì 11 Aprile 2017, dalle 1315 alle 1515 UTC, su e dalle 1615 alle 1815 su 7700 kHz (In alternativa 7690 kHz) USB.
Per i vostri rapporti di ricezione scrivete a: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com La QSL elettronica è garantita a tutti, mentre la cartolina stampata solo ad alcuni fortunati ascoltatori. Non dimenticate quindi di includere anche il vostro indirizzo postale.
Vi chiediamo infine, qualora abbiate un vostro blog dedicato al radioascolto od un profilo su Facebook o altro social network, di pubblicare un annuncio sulle nostre trasmissioni. In alternativa potreste inoltrare il presente messaggio ad un amico.
Cordiali saluti
Marconi Radio International (MRI)
Marconi Radio International paper QSL received for various reports sent to [email protected] on 2015/16/17.
Please be advised that today, 21 October 2016 Marconi Radio International will once again be on air, as follows: 1800-2000 UTC on 5700 kHz (New frequency) USB mode with an unscheduled test broadcast. Reception reports with audio clips (mp3-file) are welcome and confirmed by a “solid” QSL card! (Please note that reports on reception via remote web sdr receivers will be ackwnoledged ONLY by electronic QSL).
Our regular weekly broadcasts on Tuesdays are confirmed with the following schedule, which remains valid until the end of October:
17.00-21.00 UTC on 7700 kHz (USB Mode) with 100 watts. This means that next transmission will be on 25 October 2016.
Last but not least, we need your help! If you are a DX blogger, or use social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet. You can also forward this message to a friend. This should help increase our potential audience.
We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.
Best 73’s
Marconi Radio International (MRI)
Greetings from Italy!
Here is the schedule for the next broadcasts of Marconi Radio International (MRI) which continues its tests on 7 and 9 MHz as well as 11 MHz.
Saturday, 2nd April, 2016
1230-1300 UTC 7690 USB
1400-1500 UTC 7790 USB
1700-1800 UTC 7690 USB
2100-2200 UTC 7690 USB
Sunday, 3rd April, 2016
0700-0800 UTC 7690 USB
0830-0930 UTC 7690 USB
1000-1100 UTC 11390 USB
1700-1800 UTC 7690 USB
1830-1900 UTC 9210 USB
2000-2100 UTC 7690 AM
2200-2300 UTC 7690 USB
Our test broadcasts will also include station identification announcements in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish and Catalan as well as DX and music shows in English and Italian. Power will be from 40 watts (AM) to 100 (USB).
MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts are welcome! We QSL 100%. Our electronic mail address is: [email protected] – Please don’t forget to include your postal address as some lucky listeners will also receive a printed QSL card. Last week we received around 50 reports not only from many countries in Europe but also from Canada and USA
Last but not least, we need your help! If you use social networks, please post an announcement on Facebook or send out a tweet the day before the broadcast. You can also forward this message to a friend. This should help increase our potential audience.
We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.
Best 73’s
Marconi Radio International (MRI)
Short wave test broadcasts from Italy
on 11390 kHz
Greetings from Italy!
Here is the schedule for the next test broadcasts of Marconi Radio International (MRI):
Saturday, 26th March, 2016
1030-1130 7690 USB
1145-1215 9210 USB
1330-1430 7690 USB
1500-1600 7790 AM
1700-1800 7690 USB
2130-2230 7690 USB
Sunday, 27th March, 2016
0700-0800 7690 USB
0830-0930 7690 USB
1000-1030 9210 USB
1700-1800 7690 AM
Our test broadcasts will also include station identification announcements in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish and Catalan as well as DX and music shows in English and Italian. Power will be from 40 watts (AM) to 100 (USB).
MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts are welcome! We QSL 100%. Our electronic mail address is: [email protected] – Please don’t forget to include your postal address as some lucky listeners will also receive a printed QSL card.
Last but not least, we need your help! If you use social networks, please post an announcement on Facebook or send out a tweet the day before the broadcast. You can also forward this message to a friend. This should help increase our potential audience.
We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.
Best 73’s
Marconi Radio International (MRI)
Short wave test broadcasts from Italy
on 11390 kHz