3905 1745 Mike Radio – ID and music 26-Nov
6320 0930 Radio Goofy – ID and music 27-Nov
6235 0930 Mike Radio – ID and music 27-Nov
6250 0935 Radio Casanova – Greets in chat and music 27-Nov
6210 0940 King Shortwave – ID and music 27-Nov
6285 1600 Radio Bogusman – Music 27-Nov
6320 1615 Radio Johnny Tobacco – Greets and music, 1636 s/off 27-Nov
6287 1620 Radio BZN, ID in E, music 28-Nov
3985 1650 DBR David Bowie Radio – ID in chat, fulltime D.B. Music 28-Nov
6335 1530 Radio Blacklake – Music non stop, Macarena Lambada 10-Dec
6235 0840 Radio Misty – Low signal with qsb 11-Dec
6386 0850 Radio Orion 2000 – ID, Billy Idol signal over 9 11-Dec
6225 0900 Mike Radio – Id and music, signal 10 over 9 11-Dec
9320 0940 Little feat Radio – Muic with low signal 11-Dec
6803 1900 Pink Panther Radio – ID and Christmas music 11-Dec
6803 1600 Pink Panther Radio – ID and music, ute interference 16-Dec
6845 1600 Radio Pioneer – Good signal with ute interference 17-Dec
6305 1610 Radio Merlin – Signal very low with qsb 17-Dec
3905 1620 Radio U-Boat 66 – ID multilanguage and music 17-Dec
6289 0940 Radio Tower – ID greetings and pop music 18-Dec
6390 0950 Radio Quadzilla – Music with some qrm 18-Dec
6220 1000 Radio Python – ID and greets with good signal 18-Dec
6305 1010 Radio Merlin – Very low with qrm/qsb 18-Dec
6235 1015 Radio Casanova – ID and greets, good signal qsb 18-Dec
6950 1610 Radio Voyager – ID and Christmas music 18-Dec
3915 1640 Mike Radio – Big signal 18-Dec