On August 15, let’s celebrate one year since MRI returned back on the air on the occasion of Ferragosto national holiday! Tune in to MRI Thank you for your participation!
Every year many Italians observe Assumption Day, also known as Ferragosto, on August 15. This year the national holiday of Ferragosto (which celebrates the Catholic belief that God assumed the Virgin Mary into Heaven at her death) coincides with the first anniversary since MRI, after 15 years of dormancy, returned back to the airwaves on 15 August 2015.
Although most of Italians go to the beach (or mountains) for Ferragosto, MRI will be on the air with a special broadcast as follows: from 0800 to 1000 UTC on 7700 kHz USB and from 1030 to 1530 UTC on 15025 kHz.
To mark this anniversary, we’ll air “Ferragosto Show”, with music, interviews and listener’s feedbacks.
But that is not all. In addition to our weekly DX shows “Italian Shortwave Panorama” (in English) and “Panorama Onde Corte” (in Italian), we’ll be airing a repeat of our special programme in Italian produced, in cooperation with Radio Europe and IBC – Italian Broadcasting Corporation, to celebrate the role of free shortwave radio on the occasion of 2016 World Radio Day.
We take this opportunity to invite shortwave listeners and DXers, in conjunction with this Special Ferragosto broadcasts on August 15, 2016, to send your greetings in a form of audio clip (mp3-file) or text to [email protected]. We’ll air and include your greetings in our next MRI Newsletter.
As usual MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts are welcome! We QSL 100% and of course a Special Ferragosto QSL verification will be sent to acknowledge reports about reception of above mentioned broadcasts.
Our e-mail address is: [email protected] but please don’t forget to include your postal address as some lucky listeners will also receive a printed QSL card.
Last but not least, we need your help! If you use social networks, please post an announcement on Facebook or send out a tweet the day before the broadcasts. You can also forward this message to a friend. This should help increase our potential audience.
We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our special Ferragosto broadcasts.
Best 73’s
Marconi Radio International