
All posts tagged schedule

For the summer months, Radio Six International will transmit as follows:

Sunday July 4th, Sunday August 1st and Sunday 5th September

12:00 – 13:00 GMT (14:00 – 15:00 CEST) on 3,955kHz (75.8m) from Rohrbach
with 10kW to Bavaria and Austria, 9,670kHz (31.0m) from Rohrbach with
10kW on a beam towards western Europe, the UK and Ireland, 88.2 and
107.6 FM in parts of New Zealand and online at

Reception reports to [email protected] or by post (with a Euro or US
dollar for a QSL card) to: Radio Six International, The Studio, Port
Ramsay, Island of Lismore, Argyll, Scotland PA34 5UN

Director of Programmes,
*radio six international*
The Studio, Port Ramsay, ISLE OF LISMORE, PA34 5UN, Scotland
Tel: +44 1631 760 100
On FM, AM, Shortwave and DAB Digital radio on 31 affiliate
radio stations around the world and online at

“FRS-Holland 1980-2020: 40 years on shortwave!

On Sunday November 8th FRS-Holland will celebrate 40 years of shortwave broadcasts. Following intensive preparations FRS is ready to offer an attractive programming that day.
This time we hope to surprise you…so we won’t reveal all details as far as the programme content is concerned. Tune in and find out! Of course our history plays an important part.
A hint: the music we play is closely associated to several aspects of FRS’ past 40 years. Listen and enjoy.
To be honest: this won’t be a typical broadcast for a quick listen…there’s so much interesting to listen to next Sunday….sit down behind your SW receiver & make sure you are part of it.
In order to make listening convenient, next Sunday’s broadcast will be aired on different frequencies ánd different times. In addition there will be a number of streams starting a few days
after the shortwave broadcasts. Take a look at our schedule.
There will be a special Anniversary QSL card. Besides: listeners who send in a letter/ report to P.O.Box 2702 in Herten will receive our FRS 40 years Souvenir booklet containing many interesting articles. Please enclose 5 euro to cover P&P. For an extra 5 euro we offer a FRS 40 years CD. This CD contains programme extracts from past & present, FRS 40th Anniversary jingles (recently produced for next Sunday) and a few surprises.
We are looking forward to have your company next Sunday!

73’s, Peter Verbruggen on behalf of the FRS team”

FRS-Holland 40th Anniversary Frequency Schedule

Sunday November 8th 2020





7700 kHz

08:52- 14:05 / 14:05- 19:23*

09:52- 15:30 / 15:30- 21:00*


5790 kHz

08:52- 14:05 / 14:05- 19:23*

09:52- 15:30 / 15:30- 21:00*


6160 kHz***

08:52- 14:05

09:52- 15:30


3920 kHz**

15:52- 21:05

16:52- 22:30

* Our full programming will be repeated on our two main frequencies being 7700 & 5790 kHz.
** The 3920 outlet offers best reception in the later afternoon & evening. So best option is to start at 17 CET to ensure good reception.
*** 6160 more or less runs in parallel with our main 7700 & 5790 services.Only during the first run!


Cari Ascoltatori, siamo tornati.
In questi mesi di assenza, abbiamo rinnovato tutti i nostri impianti e stabilito una connessione Internet seria nel nostro “covo”. Siamo pronti per la nostra prima trasmissione del 2019!!
Come al solito, saremo in onda quasi tutto il weekend con tanta bella musica e interessanti rubriche.
Partiremo con un tuffo nel passato con una Hit originale del 1978 di ABC Radio, emittente fondata dal Massi,che gia a quei tempi “irradiava”, a seguire due orette di bella musica in compagnia di Massi. Rubrica fissa ormai, quella del bravo Artem’s World Music con tanta bella musica Cubana e una interessante panoramica sulla Radiodiffusione dell’isola.
Un oretta di Oldies USA da me selezionati e l’ultimo spazio, una fantastica carrellata di belle canzoni da tutto il mondo.
Sono certa, cari amici, che ci seguirete in molti come avete fatto sempre in questi due anni molto belli di trasmissioni. Le vostre Mail, le vostre segnalazioni ci danno tanto entusiasmo, con qualcuno di voi siamo ormai amici, alcuni lo saranno in futuro, tutto questo è fantastico.
Un buon ascolto sulle note di KCR……..

Dear Listeners, we’re back.
In these months of absence, we have renewed all our facilities and established a serious Internet connection in our “den”. We are ready for our first broadcast of 2019 !!
As usual, we will be on the air almost all weekend with lots of beautiful music and interesting columns.
We will start with a blast from the past with an original 1978 Hit by ABC Radio, a station founded by Massi, which at that time “radiated”, followed by two hours of beautiful music in the company of Massi. Fixed address book now, that of the good Artem’s World Music with a lot of beautiful Cuban music and an interesting overview of the island’s broadcasting.
An hour of US Oldies selected by me and the last space, a fantastic range of beautiful songs from all over the world.
I am sure, dear friends, that you will follow us in many as you have always done in these two very beautiful years of transmissions. Your Mail, your reports give us so much enthusiasm, with some of you we are now friends, some will be in the future, all this is fantastic.
Good listening on the notes of KCR ……..

Greetings from Italy!

Please be advised that  after many weeks of absence due to a transmitter fault, MRI will be back on the air tomorrow, Sunday, 9 July 2017, with its original,  very old and just refurbished transmitter as follows:  08.30-11.30 UTC on 11390 kHz AM with only 25 watts.

Reception reports with audio clips (mp3-file) are welcome and confirmed by QSL verification. Some lucky listeners will ALSO receive our printed QSL card, so don’t forget to include your postal address. E-mail: marconiradiointernational (at)

Last but not least, we need your help! If you are  a DX blogger, or use social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet the day before the broadcast. You can also forward this message to a friend. This should help increase our potential audience.

We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.

Best 73’s

Marconi Radio International (MRI)


Dopo diverse settimane di assenza a causa di un guasto al trasmettitore,  Marconi Radio International (MRI) sarà di nuovo in onda domani, domenica  9  Luglio 2017, dalle  08.30 alle 11.30 UTC su  11390 kHz AM. Per l’occasione useremo il nostro vecchio trasmettitore, di recente revisionato, che eroga una potenza di soli 25 watts.  


Per i vostri rapporti di ricezione scrivete a: marconiradiointernational (at) La QSL elettronica è garantita a tutti, mentre la cartolina stampata solo ad alcuni fortunati ascoltatori. Non dimenticate quindi di includere anche il vostro indirizzo postale.

Come al solito Vi preghiamo, qualora abbiate un vostro blog dedicato al radioascolto od un profilo su Facebook o altro social network, di pubblicare un annuncio sulle nostre trasmissioni. In alternativa potreste inoltrare il presente messaggio ad un amico.

Cordiali saluti

Marconi Radio International (MRI)

Radio Ohne Namen invite on April 14, 2017 to 2 hours music program

Hello dear short wave radio listeners,

On Friday the 14th of April at 8 UTC / 10 CEST, Radio Without Name will send two hours of music program “Something with media”.

DJ Ohne Namen – DJON mixes with his Denon DJ MCX 8000 device, 74 minutes “Italo Disco” hits.

In the remaining time Pop and Rock of the 80s are played.

The broadcast will be repeated at 15 UTC / 17 CEST on April 16 and at 8 UTC /10 CEST on April 17.

The radio broadcast is transmitted via the radio transmitter, Radio Channel 292 in the 49 meter band at 6070 KHz.

Here is the current schedule:

By the way, the 50th episode ” Here we go!” will be broadcast on Friday the 14th of April at 13 UTC / 15 CEST!

We wish you a good reception of shortwave broadcasting.

Best wishes and blessed Easter



Hallo liebe Kurzwellen Rundfunk Radiohörer,

am Freitag, den 14. April um 8 UTC / 10 MESZ, sendet Radio Ohne Namen zwei Stunden Musikprogramm „Irgendwas mit Medien“.

DJ Ohne Namen – DJON mixt mit seinem Denon DJ MCX 8000 Gerät, 74 Minuten “Italo Disco” Hits.

In der verbleibenden Zeit werden Pop und Rock der 80er gespielt.

Der Rundfunk wird am 16. April um 15 UTC / 17 MESZ und am 17. April um 8 UTC / 10 MESZ wiederholt.

Gesendet wird über den Rundfunk Radiosender, Radio Channel 292 im 49 Meter Band auf 6070 KHz.

Hier der aktuelle Sendeplan:

Nebenbei, am Freitag den 14. April um 13 UTC / 15 MESZ wird die 50. Folge “Jetzt geht’s los!“ gesendet!

Wir wünschen einen guten Empfang des Kurzwellenrundfunks.

Beste Grüße und gesegnete Ostern


The Free Radio Service Holland will be broadcasting its traditional Holiday Season broadcast on Boxing Day, Monday December 26th 2016 from 08:30- 14:30 UTC and a full repeat from 16:30- 22:30 UTC. Frequencies are 7700 & 9300 kHz. We welcome your December seasonal greetings. For more info please go to FRS-Holland Seasonal broadcast Invitation. For the full schedule as well as the streaming info, please read the schedules below!

Greetings from Italy!

Here is the schedule for the next test broadcasts of Marconi Radio International (MRI):

Saturday, 26th March, 2016

1030-1130 7690 USB
1145-1215 9210 USB
1330-1430 7690 USB
1500-1600 7790 AM
1700-1800 7690 USB
2130-2230 7690 USB

Sunday, 27th March, 2016

0700-0800 7690 USB
0830-0930 7690 USB
1000-1030 9210 USB
1700-1800 7690 AM

Our test broadcasts will also include station identification announcements in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish and Catalan as well as DX and music shows in English and Italian. Power will be from 40 watts (AM) to 100 (USB).

MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts are welcome! We QSL 100%. Our electronic mail address is: [email protected] – Please don’t forget to include your postal address as some lucky listeners will also receive a printed QSL card.

Last but not least, we need your help! If you use social networks, please post an announcement on Facebook or send out a tweet the day before the broadcast. You can also forward this message to a friend. This should help increase our potential audience.

We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.

Best 73’s

Marconi Radio International (MRI)
Short wave test broadcasts from Italy
on 11390 kHz